samedi 16 août 2014

France first

France first

According to UN data, the 9 percent of world gross domestic product goes back to the tourism sector. And state the most attractive for tourists is France.

According to UN data, the 9 percent of world gross domestic product goes back to the tourism sector. And state the most attractive for tourists is France.

The ten countries most popular among tourists, according to the reverse sequence is:

  1 - Malaysia - 25 million tourists

  Malaysia - are practically two in one. Vhbh the island, which is located by the state separated from the South China Sea. I've maintained the Malaysian island Brnillo legendary dense forests, while concentrated in the big cities in the Western Isles.

Malaysia is characterized by the stability of the political and economic Nzamiha, unlike other countries in the region, helping to attract tourists and increase in number year after year.

2 - Russia - 25.7 million tourists

  The area of ​​the Russian Federation 17 million square kilometers, allowing each to find what tourists like. More Russian regions, which attracts tourists is the Black Sea coast and the cities of the Golden Ring and the Moscow and St. Petersburg and the ancient cities that have maintained their architectural styles and ancient arts, as well as the area of ​​Lake Baikal and others.

3 - Britain - 29.3 million tourists

  The first thing noticed by a tourist in London, is the high cost of living. England is the home of the first tourist company in the world, "Thomas Cook" which continues to provide services to this day. The majority of tourists visiting London to see Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament and the British Museum, which was visited by 5.5 million tourists in 2012.

4 - Germany - 30.4 million tourists

  There are three factors that attract tourists to Germany, which is nature, and its geographical location, central Europe, and that only 30 percent of the population prefer to spend their vacation within the country yearly. Foreign tourists enjoy watching Parks and Gardens Bavaria and nightclubs in Berlin and Frankfurt, which does not subside, day and night. Berlin will celebrate this year's twenty-fifth anniversary of the removal of the Berlin Wall, which was separated into two east and west.

5 - Turkey - 35.7 million tourists

  The city of Istanbul crossroads of cultures and civilizations of East and West since 660 years BC. Currently the city to grow and develop very quickly, with an area of ​​5343 square kilometers. The city attracts tourists in the summer especially.

As the Turkish coastal cities attract tourists wishing to leisure, amateur Mounatid fly over the area of ​​the ancient Cappadocia.

6 - Italy - 46.6 million tourists

  Can be regarded as Rome and Venice "Mecca" of tourists, where you can see the ancient ruins and libyan drift eye watching paintings and statues and monuments as well as the magnificent architecture is beautiful. UNESCO has listed almost all archaeological sites and art of Italy in the list of cultural heritage of mankind.

Tourism is one of the most profitable sectors in Italy, has reached its profits in 2013 136 billion euros.

7 - Spain - 57.7 million tourists

  Despite reaching the unemployment rate in Spain at 26 percent, but the tourism sector grows and evolves constantly, as a result of lack of decline in the number of foreign tourists. Spain's 43 sites included in the list of UNESCO's cultural heritage. According to UNESCO must put the nature of Spain in third place in the list of natural reserves.

8 - China - 57.7 million tourists

  Tourists can European and American, that collides with some traditions and customs that were not encountered in his own country or in another country. However, an increasing number of tourists who go to China, especially to see the fence and pick up a great souvenir photos there. As the beautiful nature of China's economic progress that has been achieved in the last ten years, attracts tourists to see the lifestyle of the Chinese people.

9 - United States - 67 million tourists

  Tourism is years since 1850 of the basic economic sectors in the United States. Everyone heard or saw pictures the White House and the Statue of Liberty or skyscrapers, but there are in the United States, tens of thousands of exotic statues such as the structure of 60 tons of garbage in New Orleans and elsewhere.

10 - France - 83 million tourists

  We have reflected the media of various kinds perfect picture for "city of lights" so France remains the state most of the foreign tourists kiss in the world. In 2012 amounted to French tourism company profits 77.7 billion euros. And more cities frequented by tourists are Paris and the French Riviera.

Source: RT +

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