samedi 16 août 2014




Despite being a popular tourist destination, Thailand remains at large a cheap country to live. Apart from a few tourist islands, it is easy to live with less than 460 euros. 
Of course with this amount you will not have a house on the beach. However you can easily find a cheap apartment in places as beautiful as Chang Mai, which lies north of Thailand for about 100 euros a month! If you want a home near the coast, monthly prices are around 150 euros.

Cooking at home will cost you anything unless you buy fruits, vegetables and meat in local markets. If you're really too lazy to cook (like me), I suggest you buy your food in small stalls that can be found anywhere really. Spicy chicken with rice, noodles, etc. .. for less than 1 euro. 

If you have a sensitive stomach I suggest you wait a few weeks while your body adjusts to the local food, and above all to always have toilet paper on you.


Another exotic destination that is one of the cheapest countries in the world, the Philippines! Life in this country will not cost you more than 460 euros per month. 
Following the rule is to get away from the big cities, you will soon understand that the capital Manila, is not an option. Renting an apartment in the city is around 300 € per month. But if you choose to stay in the beautiful island of Cebu, one of the most developed provinces in the Philippines you can get an apartment for less than 150 euros per month. This island has beautiful beaches, golf courses and huge department stores. There are other less expensive cities in the Philippines such as Dumaguete, located by the sea, where you can choose an apartment for 100 euros per month. 
The food is also very affordable, I never used to spend more than 150 euros per month on food. And in this budget I count the boozy evenings! FYI beer costs 1 euro ...


In my list of the cheapest countries in the world I really wanted to include a European country, although the budget is slightly higher than other places. Generally Bulgaria is a beautiful country. Although it is often difficult to communicate with local (language barrier), I drew a very positive experience in that country. This destination is one of the cheapest countries in Europe. I remember during my tour of Eastern Europe, have been in a very big restaurant in Sofia and eating to do more power for only 4 euros. I literally was shocked by the cost of living low. A dorm room does not cost more than 6 euros, evening drinks are around 1 euro. The most I've had to spend a day in Bulgaria was 17 euros and that included a very very big night in a seaside resort. If you want to know more about this country I recommend reading my article on Bulgaria and I tell all that I could do with 250 euros in a 2 week trip!


The least expensive countries in the world are found mostly in Central America. Costa Rica is also a destination where you can live for only a few euros. This country has a diverse climate zones with 12 different climate, which means a very diverse flora and fauna and so beautiful scenery! The average temperature is 26 degrees on the coast and plains. The people of this country, you'll probably brought to meet on your way, are called Ticos and are of great generosity and sympathy. 
Near Saint José the cost of living is not really attractive, but you can live with 460 euros per month if you share a house or apartment with a partner or friend. 
Obviously, as with any destination, the more you move farther from major cities, it will be cheaper. A 75 kilometers from San José you will find houses for rent for less than 200 euros per month. Power level, you can treat yourself and you fill the belly in good restaurants for less than 4 euros. If you buy food in local markets it will cost much less. In general prices in supermarkets are 30% more expensive than local markets. 
This country also offers excellent conditions for surfing. Any takers or pro surfer, me anyway I loved it! If sport is not your thing, you can always practice your Spanish and meet the locals. The French have pretty good reputation in South America and it will be common for someone to come in you address bar to chat with you.


Hungary is also one of the cheapest countries in Europe. I lived in Budapest for 2 months is a beautiful historic city, but also a city that moves at night and summer. Sziget festival is reputed to be the biggest rock festival in Europe! 
In Budapest you can easily find hostels to 6 euros a night, private rooms cost a bit more expensive. Renting an apartment is much more profitable, an F2 with bedroom and living room cost less than 150 euros per month and is located downtown. Most of these apartments are from the communist era, they did not look fun but are very cheap! As usual the more you move farther from the city center, it will be cheaper! 
Power level it takes a budget of 140 euros per month at the most. A restaurant meal costs no more than 3 or 4 euros but better try to buy in supermarkets. 
Less partying like crazy at the Sziget festival or one of the many clubs in the city and drink like a fish, the country of the European Union will not come back to more than 15 euros per day!

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