dimanche 17 août 2014

Fortaleza, city hub of sex tourism

The city, which hosts the World Cup, Brazil is considered the capital of prostitution and one of the major epicenters of sex tourism in the country.

The sun is down and Fortaleza takes in the rays of pale light. From a distance, the imposing silhouette of the stadium in the port city of northeastern Brazil would almost be an air of protective sea urchin shell. Wide avenues nearby shops mesh, bars and streets under halogen elusive: the Castelão and bathe Passare neighborhoods on both sides of the sports arena, in a night to forget the spray of the sea yet so close atmosphere. 
Shortcut T-shirt, shorts very quick, the young woman was under the lamp is installed without further ado. Stand facing the sport shell, she watches the cars, which stop in turn like a ballet too predictable. She claims to be 18 years and call Jocelyne. Sometimes she slides her fingers through her long blond hair falsely. A few moments and here on a limited vehicle. Routine. 

Jocelyne has just started his night as dozens of other girls Avenue Juscelino Kubitscheck. Symbol and nerve center of transactional sex in the city, the long stretches of tar thrown such a cable between the football arena which will host matches of the World Cup and the very heart of Fortaleza, considered the capital of the Brazilian prostitution and one of the main epicenters of sex tourism in the country with Recife, Salvador, Natal and Rio de Janeiro. "No one here knows the exact numbers, but they are growing," says Magnolia Said, the ESPLAR association, one of the most recognized for their fieldwork local NGOs. 

Prostitutes a few steps from the Arena Castel ?? o, stage of Fortaleza. 
Prostitutes a few steps from the Arena Castel ?? o, stage of Fortaleza. | DARIO DE DOMINICIS / Agencia Olhares FOR "THE WORLD" 
There Joana, older, more withdrawn as of the avenue that will spend tens of thousands of football fans in a few days. Purple lip, a warm beer in hand, it offers a "program" to 50 reais (16 euros) two hours, "less than the price of a place to go to the stadium," she is excused by a vague smile. Daiana, 25, who comes from Monday to Saturday, because she says running out of money at home. Rebecca, she wants the authorities to close the access routes arena during the Cup, "Do remain as prostitutes on crack, the others will go elsewhere later. "

Transvestites, transsexuals, prostitutes minor or major, more darkness sets in and the body are revealed on the sides. The Juscelino Kubitscheck Avenue Alberto Craveiro also Governador Raul Barbossa again, then straight to the end, to the chic Iracema Beach, the famous Avenida da Abolição and, five minutes, Rua Vicente Leite with Bellissima club where a map of "minor" list girls to consume. 

By day, the scene of soliciting Fortaleza dispersed. Less visible, prostitutes are yet present in groups of two or three. Especially on weekends and holidays. 

"There are two types of girls, observes Magnolia Said. The poor from within the State of Ceará, fleeing drought and often forced to feed the family, and youth of the middle class, rather low, looking to supplement their monthly or pay for their education. "She adds:" The macho culture of the country, especially here in the north where women are traditionally considered second-class citizens, combined with the lack of resources and the use of the drug creates the perfect environment for sexual exploitation. "

Le Monde.fr

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